As the last World Climate Summit reminds us, the urgency to reduce CO2 emissions
has never been so crippling if we want to preserve both our lives and our children’s.
As shown by research published by the World Green Building Council, one of the
the main touchpoint we can focus on at the present moment is the reduction of
energy consumption as a means to start making a change that will be effective in
the long run.

Benefits of natural ventilation

As our readers know, the Earth is the only Planet we’ve got, and that’s why we need
to take care of it as much as we can.
That’s why we decided to share with our readers a few simple facts about the benefits
of natural ventilation that explains why and how this system can have a positive
the impact both on the environment and on their health.

Why is natural ventilation important?

Natural ventilation is a type of ventilation that doesn’t require any mechanical
process and could be enlisted among the possible solutions to the compelling
issues that put our Planet in danger.

As the name suggests, natural ventilation in fact lacks a controlled, mechanical
process to ensure that a home or office is consistently ventilated.
What you probably didn’t know is that natural ventilation is very important because it
also appears to be a great opportunity to reduce CO2 concentration.
In fact, experts in green architecture claim that this all-natural system ensures the
reduction of air conditioning and mechanical props, thus saving great amounts of

Plus, natural ventilation makes it possible to exploit the night cooling ventilation
by automatically operating the windows during the night: the open windows will let all
the fresh air flow in your building, so that the correct balance between CO2 and
oxygen can be assured.
Plus, studies show that air conditioning affects the quality of the environment,
so that people who are exposed to it end up being more prone to stress, burnout and
even diseases such as allergies and air blasts.

That’s why the reduction of CO2 concentration in buildings has been proven to increase
people’s attention and improve their performances on a daily basis and other
surveys inform us that around 90% of people are keen to use natural ventilation
instead of air conditioning or mechanical ventilation.

Natural ventilation advantages and disadvantages

Further natural ventilation advantages derive from the adoption of systems like
window actuators, which can be implemented in a building management system
without any additional control panel.

Among such systems, we recall BMSline, which allows real-time feedback of the
status of the each individual window and thanks to its various parameters and features is the ideal
option to optimize the saving of energy and the overall well-being of the building.
What’s more, it grants time security and smoke ventilation in case of emergency.
Additional features include no need to incorporate external modules, since the
intelligence is integrated right inside the actuator while allowing local control of the
window with a common wall switch, even with centralized building management

And what’s more, thanks to the addressable feature, actuators can be operated by group following different scenarios according to system integrator settings or end user needs, it is specifically designed for Green Architecture and energy-saving purposes.
On the other hand, disadvantages of natural ventilation such as air contamination,
insect vectors, noise, and security can be easily overcome by using better modeling
or mixed-mode ventilation.